Predicate: {it~afaq

Roleset id: 01 , to agree

        Arg0: agreer
        Arg1: other entity agreeing
        Arg2: proposition


(S (VP (PRT ( M-qad M -قَد))
          (agree+we MAit~afaqonA M اِتَّفَقْنا)
          (NP-SBJ (-NONE- X))
          (PP (with MmaEa M مَعَ)
              (NP (NP (state/country Mdawolati- M دَوْلَتِ-)
                      (his/its M-hi M -هِ))
                  (and Mwa- M وَ-)
                  (NP (the+minister M-Alwaziyri M -الوَزِيرِ)
                      (the+NOT_IN_LEXICON MAlsnywrp M السنيورة))))
          (PP (on/above MEalaY M عَلَى)
              (NP (NP (priorities MOawolawiy~AtK M أَوْلَوِيّاتٍ))
                  (SBAR (WHNP-1 (-NONE- X0X))
                        (S (VP (be/was/were+I Mkunotu M كُنْتُ)
                               (VP (PRT ( Mqad M قَد))
                                   (speak/discuss+I MtaHad~avotu M تَحَدَّثْتُ)
                                   (NP-SBJ (-NONE- X))
                                   (PP (in Mfiy- M فِي-)
                                       (NP (NP (it/them/her M-hA M -ها))
                                           (NP-1 (-NONE- XTX))))
                                   (PP (with MmaEa M مَعَ)
                                       (NP (president/head/chairman Mra}iysi M رَئِيسِ)
                                           (NP (the+republic MAljumohuwriy~api M الجُمْهُورِيَّةِ)))))))))))

        Arg0 : X
        Gloss: NP-SBJ (-NONE- *)
        Arg1 : maEa dawolati- -hi wa- -Alwaziyri Alsnywrp
        Gloss: with his country and the minister Seniora
        Arg2 : EalaY Oawolawiy~AtK X0X kunotu qad taHad~avotu X fiy- -hA XTX maEa ra}iysi Aljumohuwriy~api
        Gloss: on the priorities that we spoke about with the president of the republic